by Norfolk Plumbing | Apr 17, 2023 | General
We’ve all been there before… the moment you or your guest flushes a toilet only to not hear the sound of a normal flush. The toilet starts running longer than normal, and the bowl quickly fills up. Clogs happen! However, this should not be a daily occurrence. For...
by Norfolk Plumbing | Apr 17, 2023 | General
This April, we celebrated National Hug a Plumber Day. Ever wondered why a Plumber would need a hug? Well, you’d be surprised by all the crazy things your neighborhood plumber might come in contact with on the job. Here’s just a few: MOOLAH A plumber in Australia...
by Norfolk Plumbing | Apr 17, 2023 | General
Having a vacation home can be a ton of fun for you and your family. Whether it’s out in the mountains or deep in the woods it’s probably somewhere you love spending your time. However, having two homes isn’t always that easy. Managing two properties and possibly two...
by Norfolk Plumbing | Apr 17, 2023 | General
You may not be thinking of gas logs just yet. The temperature outside is still hot and some of us don’t want to accept the reality that fall will be here soon. However, we know that when choosing gas logs, many people are confused on where to even begin. Many of them...
by Norfolk Plumbing | Apr 17, 2023 | General
As Norfolk Plumbing has grown over the past 17 years, they have developed countless relationships with many loyal customers. Chances are, if you have used NPI once, you may be coming back to them for your future plumbing needs. This is because NPI strives to make...
by Norfolk Plumbing | Apr 17, 2023 | General
We get a lot of interesting looks when we use some of our “official language” on the job. Plumbing vocabulary is its own strange, but helpful dictionary. So we’ve picked some of our favorite odd and funny terms and defined them to help clear the air (and the drain) a...