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Water Crisis – Stats and Tips

In this article, we discuss the issue of water scarcity around the world and how to conserve water. You may not be aware, but water is not abundant everywhere on earth. Understanding this problem can help you make better decisions about conserving water. Keep reading to find some facts about water, as well as tips for how to conserve water.

Here are some facts about water that you might not have known:

  • 3.4 million people die annually from a water-related disease.
  • 99% of those deaths take place in the developing world.
  • 780 million people do not have access to clean, potable water.
  • More people die from lack of clean water than from guns used in wars.
  • One person taking a five minute shower uses more water than the average person in a developing country slum area uses for an entire day.
  • More people have a mobile phone than a toilet.
  • Even though there’s water on 70% of the planet, only 2.5% of the water is fresh water. Of that 2.5%, only 1% is easily accessible.
  • The average hamburger takes 630 gallons of water to make.
  • Water use has grown at twice the rate of population.
  • Estimates say that 1.8 billion people will live in areas with poor water by 2025.
  • One in eight people across the world have no access to safe and clean drinking water.
  • 443 million school days are lost each year due to water-related diseases.

Now that we see the problem, lets look at some ways to conserve water.

Ways That You Can Conserve Water

  • Water plants with more water, but less frequently.
  • Don’t let the water run when washing dishes by hand.
  • Drink out of one glass/water bottle each day.
  • Look at the Energy Star models of washing machines for one that saves the most water
  • Test your toilet for leaks every year.
  • Shorten showers by one or two minutes.
  • Look for WaterSense(R) labeled products.
  • Plant things in the spring and fall. At these times of year, plants require less water.
  • Wash pets outdoors in areas that need water, so you can water them while cleaning your pet.

For even more tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, as we will be sharing tips to conserve water. Also, check out Ways to Conserve Water to find a list with over 100 practical, easy tips for saving water! Not only will this help with the water crisis, but it will also help with your water bill each month!
The Water Project
100 Ways to Conserve Water