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Team Member Spotlight: Bill Corbus!

Meet Bill Corbus, our Warehouse and Safety Manager! Bill has been at Norfolk Plumbing for a year and half. He has brought a great deal of experience and an incredible skill set. He is a Master Licensed Plumber, HVAC Technician, Gas Fitting Licensed, and Certified Backflow Tester.

Bill is a Norfolk native, as he was born into a navy family and raised right here in Norfolk, Virginia. He spent twenty-eight years working for the City of Norfolk and serving the Norfolk Fire Department. He is now a retired Battalion Chief. He also worked as a plumber on the side for eight years. Bill was a plumbing inspector for two and a half years in Norfolk.

Bill is married to Donna, and they have a daughter named Samantha. Samantha recently gave birth to Bill and Donna’s first grandson, Chandler, whose first birthday was April 3rd!

Thanks, Bill, for serving on our team!