Important Tips to Keep Your Hot Water Hot This Winter

Although they may be good for your health, nobody likes to take cold showers because their hot water heater is not working. As the temperature continues to drop, issues with your hot water may become more bothersome. 

If you want to keep your family warm and avoid ice cold showers, here are some tips to help keep your water heater running efficiently and your water hot during the cold winter months.

Insulating your hot water tank and pipes is crucial in keeping your hot water hot this winter. This can be done by wrapping your hot water tank and pipes in insulation material, such as foam pipe insulation. Making sure your pipes are insulated helps prevent heat loss and keeps your water at a consistent temperature.

Set your water heater to a higher temperature. This will ensure that your water stays hot, even in cold weather. Most water heaters have a thermostat that allows you to adjust the temperature. It’s generally recommended to set your water heater to between 120 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal performance.

Fix any leaks that may be present in your plumbing system. Leaks can cause your water to cool down quickly. Ignoring leaks can cause a lot more problems than just the issue of less than ideal water temperature. Therefore, it’s vital to repair any leaks as soon as you notice them!

Using a timer or a programmable thermostat can also help you control the temperature of your water heater and save energy. These devices allow you to set a schedule for when your water heater should be on and off, so you can ensure that it’s only heating water when you need it.

Less hot water can help keep your water hot this winter. Using less hot water can help reduce the strain on your water heater and save energy. You can conserve hot water by taking shorter showers, washing clothes in cold water, and using a dishwasher with a “rinse and hold” option.

Here are a few additional tips to help keep your hot water hot this winter:

  • Install a low-flow showerhead: Low-flow showerheads use less water, so your water heater doesn’t have to work as hard to heat the water. This can help save energy and keep your water hot.
  • Use a water heater blanket: A water heater blanket is a thick, insulating material that you can wrap around your water heater to prevent heat loss. 
  • Drain and flush your water heater: Over time, sediment can build up in your water heater, which can reduce its efficiency and cause your water to cool down quickly. Draining and flushing your water heater can help remove sediment and improve its performance.
  • Consider upgrading to a more efficient water heater: If your water heater is old or inefficient, consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient model. Newer water heaters are designed to be more efficient to help save energy and keep your water hot.

For additional help keeping your water hot, contact the plumbing professionals at Norfolk Plumbing Inc today to schedule your service call at (757) 466-0644.

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