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Apprentice Spotlight – Alex Smith

Alex Smith is a local apprentice that was born and raised in Chesapeake, Virginia. This is Alex’s first year in the Apprentice Program. He is currently the plumbers helper, and acts as an assistant to the lead plumber on the job site. Alex is the third apprentice that we have highlighted, to read about our other two apprentices, Alex and Spencer, click here.
Alex is the oldest of four siblings and is happy to announce that he will be getting married in December. Outside of work Alex is a biker, but not the kind you are thinking of. He is a road cyclist and also a mountain unicyclist. Thats right, he rides unicycles on mountains! A little known fact about Alex is that he also enjoys participating in Shakespearean plays, and his favorite bands are The Four Seasons and Johnny Cash. We are very proud to have Alex on our team!